Our Longest Running Publication
The Assyrian Star
The Assyrian Star is the longest running Assyrian publication in the United States. The first issue appeared in January 1952 under the editorship of Joseph P. Durna. Although today it is the official publication of the Assyrian American National Federation, it was originally published by the Assyrian Star Association which was incorporated in December 1956. At that time, Durna became president of the Assyrian Star, Inc. and was succeeded as editor by Joseph P. Sargis. The magazine was published from Yonkers, N.Y. until 1962 when Malcolm L. Karam became editor. The Assyrian Star was conceived as 'An independent publication of, by and for Assyrians' pledged to avoid 'prejudice, bias, clannishness, sectarianism and unwholesome and destructive criticism'. It focused on news of Assyrians both in the U.S. and other parts of the world and was a model of cooperation between Assyrians from all religious and geographic backgrounds."
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Fall 2023 Issue
90th Convention Issue